Take Action: White House, Focus Now on Community Impact of AI

The White House has opened up a process to start building a Bill of Rights for AI - which could guide the federal government to regulate how its own agencies use these tools, our rights to challenge what they say about us, and even keep the government from buying or using technologies that don’t respect our rights and civil liberties.  But if the White House doesn’t hear from us, the rich and well organized voices of big companies that build these tools will drown us out, and big companies and our government will prioritize the large profits money they make from artificial intelligence, rather than the rights of the people surveilled and judged by it.

We have a rare chance with the Biden administration to limit the ways in which technology hurts our communities.  

You can send a letter right now to Dr. Eric Lander and Dr. Alondra Nelson at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy by adapting the template letter below, and clicking SEND. This letter will be a part of the public record as the White House works to build a Bill of Rights for AI.

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Dear Dr. Eric Lander and Dr. Alondra Nelson,
