Tell Congress: Protect Journalists, Pass the PRESS Act

Earlier this year, the US House unanimously passed the PRESS Act, a bill which would prevent the government from compelling journalists to disclose their sources or records created as part of their reporting, except in extreme cases. 

This is the second time the PRESS Act has passed the House. Unfortunately, despite bipartisan support in the House and in the Senate, where it is sponsored by Senator Wyden and co-sponsored by Senators Durbin, Lee, and Graham, the PRESS Act has not yet received a vote in the Senate.

We need to make sure Congress passes the PRESS Act this year. 

While the majority of states already have shield laws in place that protect journalists from compelled disclosure of their sources, the PRESS Act provides uniform protections to journalists across the country, ensuring their ability to freely report information and to hold our leaders accountable. 

Tell the Senate: Pass the PRESS Act and protect journalists’ ability to do their jobs.

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