Right now, Congress is considering a pair of bills that threaten our basic rights to express ourselves online and communicate privately.
These bills — the EARN IT and STOP CSAM Acts — may sound well-intentioned, as they claim to protect children from sexual exploitation, but their impact on free expression and online privacy would be devastating. Let’s be clear: These bills would create a clear avenue to remove important, protected speech from the internet, and our ability to communicate without the government seeing.
Send a message to your senator now and urge them to vote NO on these dangerous bills.
Encryption ensures that we have the ability to express ourselves online privately and securely. We rely on encryption to protect our most sensitive communications – like exchanges between healthcare providers and patients, journalists and their sources. Targets of state governments, like those seeking reproductive care, and LGBTQ+ persons are especially at risk, as encryption allows us to communicate without fear of others eavesdropping.
These bills also create an outsized risk that any user-posted speech with even vague ties to sex and sexuality, including speech on reproductive, sex worker, and LGBTQ+ rights will be removed.
It’s time to deliver a clear message to Congress: Protect free speech and expression online – vote NO on any bill that targets our ability to communicate freely and privately online.