As the Biden administration deals with Trump’s mess, we need to let them know that we have their back in ending ICE's 287(g) program. Sign this petition to tell Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to end all 287(g) agreements. 

Dear Sec. Mayorkas, 

We are joining the ACLU in calling on the Biden administration to improve public safety by immediately ending ICE’s 287(g) program. This program, which grew rapidly under the Trump administration, erodes community trust, pushes people into hiding, and deters immigrants from safely accessing local services.

The 287(g) program taps local law enforcement agencies to conduct federal immigration enforcement, effectively turning local officers into agents for ICE. As a result, an ordinary police encounter can ruin a person’s life or tear a family apart. When people live in fear of encountering police and other law enforcement, they’re afraid to report crimes, seek legal protection, provide tips, or serve as witnesses — for fear that the very agencies meant to protect them may instead help deport them.

Along with fomenting a climate of fear, the 287(g) program promotes racial profiling, emboldening police officers to conduct racist stops and arrests in order to funnel people of color into deportations. Law enforcement leaders are among the most vocal critics of this program because they know it breaks community bonds, wastes local tax dollars, and undermines everyone’s safety. Even the new ICE director nominee, Houston Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, ended the program within his jurisdiction for this precise reason in 2017.

President Biden criticized the program while on the campaign trail, but inherited 148 287(g) contracts upon taking office.

We must seize the moment to end 287(g), thereby limiting the collaboration between local police and federal immigration enforcement agencies - nationwide. 

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