Defend Democracy with ACLU People Power!

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Our right to vote - and our democracy itself - are under attack.  We must fight back.

The stakes have never been higher. Across the United States, we’re battling voter suppression tactics that target the most marginalized communities. From cutbacks to early voting and restrictions to vote by mail, to racial gerrymandering that deprives communities of color of their political power, these tactics rob millions of Americans of their voice. Further, we are seeing attacks on our democracy itself, including attempts to remove duly elected officials and overturn the will of the people.

We will continue to fight for our democracy and an end to racially discriminatory voting practices in courts, in the halls of Congress, and in communities. And we need you.

Join the ACLU’s Democracy Defenders Task Force to work alongside us in some of the biggest voting rights fights across the country. Plus, we will keep you in the loop as we fight for equal access to the ballot, preserve the integrity of our electoral process, and defend the very foundations of our democracy.

 Sign up here and we’ll plug you into opportunities to push back against these attacks and to advocate for policies that expand access to the ballot to ensure every voice is heard. Together, we can foster an inclusive, equitable democracy that empowers all of us.

By signing up, you will be with us on the frontlines of this crucial fight, standing shoulder to shoulder with fellow Democracy Defenders across the nation. Together, we will protect and expand voting rights, inspire civic engagement, and strengthen our democratic processes.

Take action now and be a part of the movement to safeguard our democracy for generations to come.