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Tell the Newly Appointed Head of Federal Student Aid - Now Is the Time to Cancel Debt

It has been over 100 days since President Biden’s first day in office, and he has yet to make significant progress in relief for student borrowers.

Earlier this week, Richard Cordray was appointed as the head of federal student aid. Mr. Cordray is in a unique position to recommend to President Biden to cancel 50,000 in student debt for each federal borrower.

Join us in telling Mr. Cordray, Ms. Thomas, and Ms. Samuel to prioritize the cancellation of student debt, and to side with millions of borrowers in need by recommending that the White House takes action.

Richard Cordray Office of Federal Student Aid
Richard Cordray
Rachel Thomas Deputy Asst. Sec. for Communications
Rachel Thomas
Aaliyah Samuel Deputy Asst. Sec. for State and Local Engagement
Aaliyah Samuel